
It is often said that libraries are the heart of a school, and the North Cedar Community School District is no exception. Our library is a place for community, studying, quiet reading, and gathering. We take pride in our collection, and we ask that students take pride in it as well.

The library is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each school day. Students may check out books for two weeks, with a possibility of two-week renewal. We can reserve items for students and staff, upon request.

Overdue Materials
Returning materials on time allow others access to them. Please return all materials when they are due. We will issue overdue notices for items not returned within two weeks. We consider late items lost, and we charge borrowers for replacing any lost items.

Lost Materials
When an item is 90 days overdue and we have issued two overdue notices to the student’s advisor, we will contact the parent or guardian to reclaim or replace the overdue and lost items.

Damaged Materials

We will bill students for the cost of any damaged items.

The North Cedar Community School District may suspend library privileges in the following situations: numerous lost or damaged materials, chronic overdue items, theft or attempted theft, and/or other extreme cases.