Our District

The North Cedar Community School District serves about 800 students in the rural communities of Clarence, Lowden, Mechanicsville, and Stanwood in east-central Iowa. The students in our four schools enjoy hands-on, student-centered learning that prepares them for post-secondary education and careers. Our students consistently score at or above state averages on math and reading assessments, and more than 80 percent of our students achieve test score results that are “proficient” or “above.”

For those of you who are not familiar with our district, you can find us in the rural areas of east-central Iowa, along Highway 30. Our district office is located in Stanwood, and our school district also serves students in Clarence, Lowden and Mechanicsville. Our four communities work together to raise the bright and ambitious leaders of tomorrow.

We hope you will take the time to get to know our schools and our district. We have so much going on within our halls – from outstanding academics to technology initiatives to exciting sports programs to wonderful extracurricular activities – to help grow our students into productive participants in the 21st century.

Banner with students and school supplies

For Our Students

Everything we do at NCCSD is for our students, and we encourage them all to take part in the enrichment and extracurricular opportunities for which they are eligible.

  • Athletics for junior high school and senior high school students
  • Fine arts activities for 5th through 12th graders
  • Extracurricular clubs and organizations for junior high and senior high school students
  • Counseling services for all grades

NCCSD is strengthened by an active, supportive community. The district is aided by parents and patrons who elect to get involved and support our students and their activities.

  • Athletics Boosters bolster our student athletes and the athletics programs
  • Encore Club supports our fine arts programs
  • North Cedar Elementary Boosters fosters the relationships between parent, student, staff, and community
  • North Cedar Education Foundation provides financial support to help broaden the district’s education opportunities

And be sure to visit our Wall of Fame to find out more about our exceptional students and staff.

Our Mission

The mission of North Cedar Community School District, in partnership with its community and staff, is to ensure a safe and caring environment for each student, providing the essential knowledge, values, skills, and attitudes to create lifelong learners who are responsible, contributing, and productive citizens in a changing and increasingly diverse world.