Each month the North Cedar School Board shares a few highlights of our monthly board meetings. These takeaways are messages that the board collectively feels are important for the public to know. Here are the highlights from the August 15, 2022 regular meeting:
- Winning Edge Success. Leaders and students involved in the district’s Winning Edge strength and conditioning program made a presentation that celebrated the success of the initiative. More than 1,150 individual daily workouts were logged during the summer session voluntarily attended by upper elementary through high school students.
- School Safety. Continued discussion on methods to enhance school safety was a theme of the August board meeting. Options for staffing a school resource officer through a city or county partnership are being explored. Student welfare is a central focus of the district and North Cedar is committed to keeping students safe.
- FFA Donation. The North Cedar FFA program received a $5,000 donation from the Mechanicsville Economic Development Company. The funds will be used to support club activities or operation of a five-acre plot of land near the Mechanicsville elementary school recently purchased from the development organization.
- Wishes for a Successful Year. With a new school year beginning this month, the board appreciates the commitment of the entire North Cedar community for creating a supportive learning environment for students at all grade levels. Good luck to all students, teachers and staff. Go Knights!
To view the full agenda and attachments of North Cedar School Board meetings, click the Online Board App button at https://www.north-cedar.org/board-of-education/. Meeting minutes are also posted online following each meeting.