Each month the North Cedar School Board shares two or three highlights of our monthly board meetings. These takeaways are messages that the board collectively feels are important for the public to know. Here are the highlights from the March 21, 2022 and March 25, 2022 regular meetings:
- Sharing Agreements. While faced with continuing enrollment and budget challenges over the last several years, we have again entered into several sharing agreements with neighboring school districts to share teachers, directors and administration. Existing agreements were extended for another year resulting in salary and benefit savings and state operational sharing incentives of approximately $210,000. These cost savings allow North Cedar to reduce expenses, yet maintain valuable programs for our students.
- Bond Prepayment and Interest Savings. The board authorized the redemption of General Obligation School Refunding Bonds through a $200,000 additional payment for FY23. By paying off these bonds early, this measure will save district taxpayers interest expense and allow for additional bonding capacity for future facilities improvement projects.
To view the full agenda and attachments of North Cedar School Board meetings, click the Online Board App button at https://www.north-cedar.org/board-of-education/. Meeting minutes are also posted online following each meeting.