May Board Meeting Highlights

May Board Meeting Highlights


Each month the North Cedar School Board shares two or three highlights of our monthly board meetings. These takeaways are messages that the board collectively feels are important for the public to know. Here are the highlights from the May 15, 2023 regular meeting:

  • New Teacher Center.  The district will be working with New Teacher Center to begin training our teachers to mentor our own teachers.  During the 2023-2024 school year, New Teacher Center will provide professional learning, coaching and forums to our district. 

  • Mechanicsville Alumni.  Mechanicsville alumni gave a gift of $405.45 to the elementary school library.  Thank you for this donation.

  • Thank you.  The board would like to thank all the retiring and departing teachers for the time they have served our district.

To view the full agenda and attachments of North Cedar School Board meetings, click the Online Board App button at Meeting minutes are also posted online following each meeting.